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Mother Teresa IELTS and OET Training Centre
Practice Test

Learning is no more a difficult task, if it is in Mother Teresa.


Time allowed: 40 minutes

Question no:1

Read the case notes below and complete the writing task which follows.
Hospital : Royal Perth Hospital
Patient Details : Alfred Billy 52 years old
Marital status : Married Wife to be contacted if there is any sort of emergency: Maria Jennifer, Arillon City Arcade, 207 Murray Street, Perth
Admission date : 21/03/2010
Discharge date : 05/05/2010
Diagnosis : Skin cancer – BCC (Basal Cell Carcinoma) (neck) Nodular basal-cell carcinoma
Past Medical : No prior hospitalization, no history
History : Medications
Social : Truck driver
History/Supports : Lives with his wife Habit of consuming liquor for the past 30 years Cigarette smoker, Skin dark
Religion : Protestant
Medical Progress : Skin biopsy is taken for pathological study CCB – removal of pain reliever panadein forte 500mg
Nursing : No complications noted
Management : Perfectly well at the time of discharge No complain of any pain
Discharge plan : Daily obs Medicine to be taken for one more week

Writing Task

You are the charge nurse in the hospital ward where Mr. Alfred Billy has recently had his operation. Using the information provided in the case notes, write a referral letter to the Community Nurse Head at Care Well Hospital, Birmingham, who will be attending Mr. Alfred Billy, following his discharge.

In Your Answer
  • Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences
  • Do not use note form
  • Use correct letter format
*The body of the letter should be approximately 200 words*

Question no:2

Mr Gerald Baker is a 79-year-old patient on the ward of a hospital in which you are Charge Nurse.
Patient Details :
Marital Status : Widower (8 years)
Admission Date : 3 September 2010 (City Hospital)
Discharge Date : 7 September 2010
Diagnosis : Left Total Hip Replacement (THR) Ongoing high blood pressure
Social Background : Lives at Greywalls Nursing Home (GNH) (4 years) No children Employed as a radio engineer until retirement aged 65 Now aged-pensioner
Hobbies : Chess, ham radio operator Sister, Dawn Mason (66), visits regularly; v supportive – plays chess with Mr Baker on her visits No signs of dementia observed
Medical Background : 2008 – Osteoarthritis requiring total hip replacement surgery 1989 – Hypertension (ongoing management) 1985 – Colles fracture, ORIF
Medications : Aspirin 100mg mane (recommenced post-operatively) Ramipril 5mg mane Panadeine Forte (co-codamol) 2 qid prn
History/Supports : Lives with his wife Habit of consuming liquor for the past 30 years Cigarette smoker, Skin dark
Nursing Management and Progress : Daily dressings surgery incision site Range of motion, stretching and strengthening exercises Occupational therapy Staples to be removed in two wks (21/9) Also, follow-up FBE and UEC tests at City Hospital Clinic
Medical Progress : Skin biopsy is taken for pathological study CCB – removal of pain reliever panadein forte 500mg
Assessment : Good mobility post-operation Weight-bearing with use of wheelie-walker; walks length of ward without difficulty Post-operative disoriention re time and place during recovery, possibly relating to anaesthetic – continued observation recommended Dropped Hb post-operatively (to 72) requiring transfusion of 3 units packed red blood cells; Hb stable (112) on discharge – ongoing monitoring required for anaemia
Discharge Plan : Monitor medications (Panadeine Forte) Preserve skin integrity Continue exercise program
Equipment required : wheelie-walker, wedge pillow, toilet raiser. Hospital to provide walker and pillow. Hospital social worker organised 2-wk hire of raiser from local medical supplier.

Writing Task

Using the information in the case notes, write a letter to Ms Samantha Bruin, Senior Nurse at Greywalls Nursing Home, 27 Station Road, Greywalls, who will be responsible for Mr Baker’s continued care at the Nursing Home.

In Your Answer
  • expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
  • do not use note form
  • use letter format
*The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.*

Question no:3

Practice writing sub-test No.2 for nursing Read the case notes and complete the writing task which follows
Name : Mrs Jane LaPaglia
Age : 71
Cultural & religion data : Italian & Catholic, speaks functional English
Admission Date : 4th March 2011 – Prince Albert Hospital
Discharge Date : 28th April 2011
Diagnosis : Renal failure 2⁰ to dehydration, mild dementia, pneumonia
Social/Medical family : Lives with 80 yr old husband/carer, Joe, in a 4 bdrm unit Joe not coping with pt’s or his own care needs. House filthy, both have poor hygiene and nutrition One son, Andrew, a mechanic, visits Tuesday and Sunday Interests include classical music, ballet and AFL.
Medical History and Medications :See Dr’s notes (to be forwarded)
Management and Progress during Hospitalization :Initially comatose, ventilated in ICU 7/7 Given dialysis 3/52 which ↓ urea & creatinine, stable now Hospital acquired pneumonia 2/24 chest physio for 2/52, still requiring O2 2 litres via nasal prongs but non infective for 3/52.*confusion post ICU but now back to usual mild level and is quite settled. *Needs prompting to eat, drink, dress, walk, toilet & tend to personal hygiene but can independently do these *Family conference 25/3/11. Consensus decision: pt will move to nursing home & Joe will live in adjoining hostel – nil beds for either till 28/4/11.
Discharge Plan : *Transfer to nursing home *Husband will live in hostel next door, both accepting of this *Continue O2 therapy as per O2 sats *Encourage independence, pt capable of self-care with ++ prompting *Ensure adequate hydration to prevent ↓renal function *Repeat electrolyte, urea & creatinine blood test weekly

Writing Task

You are the Charge Nurse on the medical ward where Ms LaPaglia has spent most of her hospital stay as a patient. Using the information in the case notes, write a referral letter to the Charge Nurse at Boronia Nursing Home, Coogee where Mrs Jane LaPaglia will be discharged to from your ward..

In Your Answer
  • Expand the relevant notes into complete sentences
  • Do not use note form
  • Use letter format
*The body of the letter should be approximately 180-200 words.*


Time allowed: 40 minutes

Question no:1

Many people believe that this generation is dependent in many a way, whereas others consider them as independent. Discuss both views and arrive at your opinion.
*Word limit – Minimum 250 words*

Time – Maximum 40 minutes

Question no:2

Nowadays people try to change their look my coloring their hair, using cosmetics, wearing ornaments or even a plastic surgery being done. Do you think the merits of this practice outweigh its demerits?
*Word limit – Minimum 250 words*

Time – Maximum 40 minutes

Question no:3

Technological advancements make this generation more social and friendly. To what extent you agree/disagree..?
*Word limit – Minimum 250 words*

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